Keyboard liberation
Cuneiform is a revolutionary writing system for tablets and phones. It performs all the functions of a keyboard by replacing keys with five simple gestures. Cuneiform is:
fast and accurate
you only need to tap and swipe
enter text without looking at a keyboard
intuitive, fun and easy to learn
e.g. an "i" is a tap and a swipe down
there are alternatives for every character (e.g. e, é, è, ê ...)
set colours, background, use of taps or gestures.
Cuneiform combines the five gestures - TAP and swipes UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT - in pairs to generate the letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation and characters. E.g. TAP, TAP enters an ‘a’, DOWN, RIGHT a ‘b’ and RIGHT, UP a ‘c’.
An optional help overlay shows the pairs for every letter, number and character.